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Chatterie de la Ria du Jaudy lieu dit convenant Adam 22450 Pommerit-Jaudy
Jazz du Clos de Valpierre
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My name is Christine Marendé, known as Mamitine to freinds.I run a small cattery, breeding persian cats. The cattery is situated in the Cote d'Armor, Brittany in the village of Pommerit- Jaudy. I am passionate about this fascinating and affectionate race . Their comfort and wellbeing is ma priority. The cattery is run on a small scale . Our cats are free to roam throughout the house , from the bedroom to the living room. There are no cages, juste the comfort of a bed, a sofa and lap to sit on with of cuddles. All the cats are P K D negative.
Easy-Love d'Amont d'Orgueil
Chatterie de la Ria du Jaudy *fr
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